Andrea and David's trip to Japan, July 2011
Day 11: 27-7-11 Kawayu - (Day 10, Day 12) - birdlist - bird gallery
from 43° 37' N 46° 28' E to 43° 13' N 145° 34' E
We were up early to pack, breakfast and catch the 8:01 bus for the station. Bus arrived on time, reached the station on time, train arrived on time and reached Kushiro on time. Andrea saw 5 cranes, David saw two.
A crane from a train
A coffee and bean puree pastry (yes it actually tasted OK, just a bit strange), we booked the next hotel, bought a packed lunch - sushi - and caught the train to Nemuru, which is almost as close as you can get to Russia in Japan. A stroll to the harbour where they were cleaning the day's sea urchin catch (also watching gulls, 2 spp cormorant, auks and sea eagles) before yet another mostly delicious Japanese banquet, with 9 dishes each - and only two of bowls matched :-). Down to the harbour for a sunset beer to the sound of 100 gulls nesting on the harbour buildings. Walking back up through he town we heard strange drums and improvised flute music. Our room here is completely traditional. Low table by day, futon mattresses by night.