Andrea and David B. Collinge's trip to Japan, July 2011
Full Birdlist - Yatsu Higata - Kushiro Wetlands - Kawayu - Gallery
Nemuru is the easternmost town in Japan - the road signs here were also in Russian. We arrived at lunchtime on 27/7 from Kawayu having changed trains at Kushiro. We were slightly too late to get to Cape Nosappu (22 km) so we decided to walk down to the harbour. The weather was exceptionally hot and sticky and the harbour was rather industrial. Its main redeeming feature was breeding Slaty-backed Gulls with chicks on the roof tops. Both Pelagic and Temminck's Cormorants fishing offshore and many auks passing - but they were too far away to identify.
We took a taxi (3000 Yen each way) at 8 am on 28/7 to the visitors centre at Lake Furen (Shunkumital Bird Sanctuary Nature Centre), and walked down to the reserve expecting to be overwhelmed with waders and ducks. There were a few mallard in the channel and two Grey-tailed Tattler on a stone offshore. A large flock of herons and fox completed the picture. A scan from the bridge revealed an adult sea eagle on the shore and a pair of cranes on the channel. On closer scrutiny, Andrea spotted a small crane chick. We walked along the spit disturbing several Japanese Skylarks and crossed a bridge onto the reserve island. A second pair of cranes flew passed us and to our luck settled on the channel close by, calling. The island offered few birds, but a singling Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler and Siberian Rubythroat as well as a Reed Bunting provided some excitement. We visited the visitors centre while we waited for a taxi back to town. This has an updated bird list with pictograms giving both scientific and English names of the birds.
We took the noon bus to Nosappu Cape, overlooking the Kuriles (Northern Territories). There were two species of cormorant and hundreds of Rhinoceros Auklet flying by the lighthouse. A few feeding and a single Tufted Puffin. We also saw seals, dolphins and a small whale at great distance.
The trip back to Kushiro on 29/7 gave one fine species: A pair of Lathams's Snipe flew up next to the line parallel to the train for 30 seconds.
English name | Scientific name | Danske navne | trip 4 |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | Gråand | 28/7 Nemuru |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea | Fiskehejre | 28/7 Furen Lake |
Japanese (Temminck's) Cormorant | Phalacrocorax capillatus | Japansk Skarv | 27/7 Nemuru; 28/7 Cape Nosappu |
Pelagic Cormorant | Leucocarbo (Phalacrocorax) pelagicus | Stillehavsskarv | 27/7 Nemuru; 28/7 Cape Nosappu |
Hobby | Falco subbuteo | Lærkefalk | 28/7 Cape Nosappu. An unexpected fly-by by a young bird |
Black-eared Kite | Milvus (migrans) lineatus | Sort-øret Glente | 28/7 Furen Lake - common |
White-tailed Eagle | Haliaeetus albicilla | Havørn | 27/7 Nemuru ad & 4k; 28/7 Furen Lake ad |
Red-crowned Crane | Grus japonensis | Japansk Trane | 28/7 Furen Lake 2 pairs, one with a small chick |
Oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus | Strandskade | 27/7 Nemuru 4-5 on the outer harbour wall. |
Grey-tailed Tattler | Heteroscelus (Tringa) brevipes | Sibirisk Gråklire | 28/7 Furen Lake 2 on stones offshore |
Black-tailed Gull | Larus crassirostris | Japanmåge | 27/7 Nemuru 5% of the gulls |
Slaty-backed Gull | Larus schistisagus | Skifermåge | 27/7 Nemuru 95% of the gulls. Breeding on harbour buildings |
Rhinoceros Auklet | Cerorhinca monocerata | Næsehornsalk | 28/7 Cape Nosappu. Very common. Presumbaly these seen off the harbour too. |
Tufted Puffin | Fratercula cirrhata | Toplunde | 28/7 Cape Nosappu. A single on the sea with a Rhinoceros Auklet. The redder bill and white head stuck out. |
Oriental (Rufous) Turtle Dove | Streptopelia orientalis | Østlig Turteldue | 28/7 Furen Lake |
Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus | Gøg | 28/7 Cape Nosappu. Seen |
Pacific (Fork-tailed) Swift | Apus pacificus | Orientsejler | 27/7 Nemuru |
Carrion Crow | Corvus corone | Sortkrage | 27/7 Nemuru |
Large-billed Crow | Corvus macrorhynchos | Stornæbbet Krage | 27/7 Nemuru |
Eastern (Japenese) Great Tit | Parus (major) minor | Østlig Musvit | 28/7 Furen Lake by the visitor's centre |
Willow Tit | Poecile (Parus) montanus | Fyrremejse | 28/7 Furen Lake by the visitor's centre |
Swallow | Hirundo rustica | Landsvale | 27/7 Nemuru |
Japanese Skylark | Alauda japonica | Japansk Sanglærke | 28/7 Furen Lake |
Brown-eared Bulbul | Ixos (Microselis) amaurotis | kastanjeret Bulbul | 27/7 Nemuru |
Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella ochotensis | Kamkatcha Græshoppesanger | 28/7 Furen Lake |
Nuthatch | Sitta europaea | Spætmejse | 28/7 Furen Lake by the visitor's centre |
White-cheeked Starling | Sturnus cineraceus | Gråstær | 28/7 Furen Lake |
Siberian Rubythroat | Luscinia (Erithacus) calliope | Rubinnattegal | 28/7 Furen Lake. Male singing |
Siberian Stonechat | Saxicola maura | Sibiriske Bynkefugl | 28/7 Furen Lake |
Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | Skovspurv | 27/7 Nemuru |
White Wagtail | Motacilla alba | Hvid Vipstjært | 28/7 Furen Lake; 28/7 Cape Nosappu |
Oriental (Grey-capped) Greenfinch | Carduelis sinica | Brunirisk | 27/7 Nemuru; 28/7 Cape Nosappu |
Black-faced Bunting | Emberiza spodocephalus | Gråhovedet Værling | 28/7 Cape Nosappu |
Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus | Rørspurv | 28/7 Cape Nosappu |